Google Tips: Top 10 Gmail Features for Better Productivity

Whether your company moved from Microsoft Outlook to Google Apps or you are using Gmail and wanting to use it more efficiently, here are ten features to help improve productivity and become a Google Gmail poweruser. Video Tutorial Change Button Icons to Text Icons Too many icons can be difficult to navigate through Gmail. However, we […]

TechPop: How to Install Invoice Ninja on Ubuntu 14.04

Invoice Ninja is a free and open source invoicing software. Their site provides Invoice Ninja as SaaS  (Software as a Service), but if you or your company is more security and privacy minded, it can be hosted on a private server. One major benefit of Invoice Ninja is it’s compatibility with over thirty payment gateways. […]

Creating a Home Server Part 7: How to Add SSL to an Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP Web Server

With increased concerns regarding internet security, adding additional preventative measures to publicly accessible computers like the one in this Home Server Series is an almost automatic inclusion. Find out how to create a self-signed SSL certificate and force all traffic to be redirected to secure HTTPS from unsecured HTTP.

Creating a Home Server Part 6: How to Install WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04

WordPress is the most popular website builder on the internet. It has thousands of plugins and themes that allows making dynamic and professional websites simpler. Many functions do not need any familiarity with HTML, CSS, or Javascript to produces these sites. Find out how to install WordPress on an Ubuntu computer. 

Creating a Home Server Part 5: How to Install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu 14.04

As we continue with our Home Server series, ownCloud allows the storage of files on our server, but does not have the added benefit of playing media effectively. Plex Media Server provides video, music, and picture playback on any desktop or mobile device. In addition, it is available on XBox, Playstation, Roku, Chromecast and AppleTV. Find […]